
Why You Should Consider Moving Over to Induction Cooking

It’s a trending innovation where chefs and foodies all over the world are switching from gas or electric hobs to induction cooking. And the reasons are crystal clear. This exciting new technology has wonderful advantages over regular cooking methods- It’s quicker, cheaper, and safer to use, with temperatures much easier to control and superb heat distribution.

Speed and efficiency is a huge plus to induction cooking for moms on the go and chefs under pressure alike. Saving an average of 64% cooking time, a large pot of spaghetti only takes five minutes to boil and smaller pots can reach boiling point after only two minutes. This technology also allows you greater control over heat settings and moving from boiling to simmering is almost instantaneous.

Move over Eskom! Extensive research on induction cooking has proved that electricity savings using an induction cooker exceed 50% – we’d say that’s a fair and impressive budget beater, and a welcome relief to families and restaurant owners anywhere in South Africa, given our erratic electricity supply and exorbitant costs.

The technology behind the induction cooktop enhances cooking safety from an entirely new perspective. Instead of heating elements or using flames, it works using magnetic fields. These magnetic fields contain the heat to the pot only, not only reducing the temperatures in the kitchen, but more importantly reducing the risk of burns and other potential injuries.  Furthermore, induction cookers smart technology allows them to detect if a pot has boiled dry. In such a case, they will automatically turn off or lower the temperature – very cool indeed!

If that isn’t impressive enough, cleaning one is really easy, because the surface is flat with no grooves where dirt can get trapped. There are no knobs that need to be cleaned either –  instead there are elegant touch controls.

Although you can’t use just any pot on an induction stove, in order to extract their true value, there are however, so many pieces of induction friendly cookware available.  

  • Tip: Try induction with a single or double plate portable stove

If you are curious about induction cooking, but don’t want to commit to changing your entire kitchen setup, then try a portable, single plate one like the Snappy Chef Induction Stove. These are also brilliant for camping or outdoor cooking because they are easily portable.

Check out this demonstration of how to cook a steak with and induction cooker top:

Jamie Oliver showcases his Tefal Range of Induction cookware

Main image credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVsixJJ9c78

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